Lambousa Market – bedding for the centre dogs…

Lambousa Market are selling cheap blankets (15TL) and Towels…. please if you can purchase a few for the dogs and puppies at the centre. You can drop them off at Veni Vici in Lapta for collection. It really will be appreciated. Our Centre is still very wet and the dogs need something to bed down on. Our puppies are not ‘house trained’ so need constant replacement of bedding….. please dig deep and help the centre dogs.

New drop off point for ‘softies’ – please help.

Veni Vici Restaurant on the Lapta strip have very kindly offered to be a drop off point for ‘softies’ for the centre. So if you have any old towels, blankets, sheets, etc, we URGENTLY need them for the dogs and puppies at the centre. The terrible weather at the weekend has left our dogs struggling for bedding. Please help if you can.