Girne Shop

Are you looking for a bargain?
Please come along to our Girne shop and see what we have for sale.
All funds raised help us care for the dogs and cats at our rescue centre.
We are open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 10am to 1pm .
All reactions:


Lisa and Steve……. thank you, again!!!!

Steve and Lisa have been on holiday for 3 weeks and once again during their holiday they have been volunteering at the Centre. On arrival at the centre we were given an wonderful donation of joint supplements, shampoo for skin conditions, flea/tick treatments plus some cleaning aids and tools.
The kitchen floor in the cattery has rotted with all the damp weather and has become dangerous to walk on. Steve lifted the floor, concreted it and then tiled it. Not only did Steve and Lisa donate the sand and cement for the job, they purchased replacement worktops and Steve fitted them.
They have also both helped with cleaning at the centre as we are struggling to work in the heat with limited volunteers. Lisa cleaned the shed out as there was a nasty smell in there. Steve nominated her for the job as she was sensitive to the smell! Two dead rats were removed!
Before leaving to go back to the UK, they visited a local supermarket and topped up our cleaning supplies up with an amazing amount of cleaning products.
Steve and Lisa true hero’s. What would we do without people like you supporting our animals and centre staff. Thank you for your continued support.
They also presented Elaine, our Centre Manager with a painting they had arranged to be done by Vesela, from a photo Steve took in November. We are sure you will recognise this wonderful pair – Evie and Daphne.

Sunny Update (now Reggy)

Do you remember the little kitten called Sunny (now Reggy) who went to his forever home a few weeks ago? We’ve received some more photos of him chilling out and relaxing in his new home with Rose and we thought we would share them with you!
Thank you Rose for giving Reggy a loving home, he certainly looks very happy!
We also have a page for posting updates on the dogs and cats that have been homed from KAR – it’s called Kyrenia Animal Rescue – Happy Tails. If you have homed an animal from us, feel free to send us photos!
All reactions:

Jacky Kester and 39 others

Supporter Donation, thank you!!!!

Wow! Just look at this huge donation of cleaning products. This generous donation was brought to us by Jim, Tina and boys, long term supporters of KAR.
Thank you so much, we are very grateful!
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All reactions:

Emma Eminsoy, Julie Johnson and 77 others

Chiquita Update

Chiquita and her puppies continue to do well. They are starting to move around the crate but are still too young to go far so Mum can easily keep an eye on them. She is being a very good Mum, making sure they’re okay. Just wait until they open their eyes and start exploring!

Oeration Rescue Kitten!!!!

The other day Elaine, our centre manager, was at the vets. A lady arrived with her own dog when they suddenly heard a miaowing noise coming from the lady’s car. They opened the bonnet to find a kitten trapped in the car’s engine! The lady, Karen had just driven all the way from Esentepe not knowing that she had an extra passenger.
Elaine managed to get hold of the frightened kitten, who then managed to escape and hid under the KAR van. They couldn’t get the kitten out from its new hiding place so they drove very carefully to nearby Pitstop.
The kind men at Pitstop put the van up on the ramp, one of them managed to get hold of the kitten, quickly put it in a cat carrier and off Elaine and Karen went back to the vets. The kitten was checked out by the vet and was given a clean bill of health – that was a relief!
Later the same day, Karen collected the kitten and drove back to Esentepe where the kitten was re-united with her Mum.
We do love a happy ending and thank you to Pitstop for helping to rescue the kitten.

SAH and KAR working together for Roman.

Over the Bayram holiday we received a phone call from Sah supermarket about a large dog in distress that they believed had been hit by a car. Centre staff responded to the call for help and went to the supermarket. When they arrived they saw it was Roman, the kangal who lives around the market and spends a lot of his time sitting or laying outside the front of the store. Roman was in a great deal of pain and could not stand. He was taken to Vetpoint where he was x-rayed and checked over for other possible damage to his body. Fortunately there were no broken bones, but he was badly bruised and had some deep wounds on the underneath of all 4 legs. Antibiotics and pain killing medication was given. The vet on duty thought it was probably caused by a collision with a vehicle.
Roman was taken to our rescue centre for his continued care. Even though we put 2 buster collars on Roman to prevent him for licking his wounds, he still managed to get to them and we had to dress them daily.
Sah market paid for his veterinary treatment and donated towards his food and medication whilst at the Centre. Thank you Sah and their staff for showing compassion and kindness to this gentle street dog.
Roman was taken back to Sah today where he was welcomed by staff and shoppers. We think he’s happy to be back!


❤️Candy ❤️
This sweet girl was brought into centre along with her siblings in April 2015. She was about 3 months old at the time.
Despite numerous appeals over the years, she remains at the Centre. Now 9 years old, she would love her own forever home and a happy ever after.
She is friendly little girl who loves a walk (although not at the moment as it is too hot!!) and enjoys the sunshine on her face.
If you can’t offer her a home, please sponsor her for £10 per month – it’s really easy to set up.
Please share for Candy and let’s find that loving home that she deserves so much!
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wheres wally?????? wedding VIP thats where!!!

Wally the wedding guest!
One of our dogs, who now lives in the UK, was recently the perfect guest at Victoria and Tom’s wedding. Doesn’t Wally look handsome with his special bow tie?
Wally and his siblings came into our rescue centre with their Mum, and all have been very lucky and found homes. We think that Wally enjoyed his day at the wedding, he looks like he’s loving all the attention!

update on Chiquita

We’re sure you’re all keen to hear how Chiquita is getting on! She has been to the vets and had an ultrasound – the vet believes her puppies are due in about 7-10 days’ time.
Thank you to all of you that have donated towards Chiquita’s care, so far we have raised about £250 (10,500tl). Niyazi at Petline has kindly donated a box of his new dog biscuits for her, they are specially designed for small breed dogs – perfect for Chiquita.
Further updates to follow soon!