Do you — Do you —Do you — remember our Drew ?
Our Drew off to Canada he flew….
Such a very long way for him to go …..
Once there he met his first cold cold snow …
But also a nice soft comfy warm bed……..
For when he needed to rest his weary head ….
Watched over by 2 people who loved him so much
Whose hands on him were so soft to touch……….
He had finally found a family of his own……
So happy was he that he was no longer alone…
Thank you so much Cassie and George……….
For helping that never ending bond to forge…..
On behalf of your Caleb who was once Our Drew
Our eternal thanks goes out to both of you…
For giving him the well deserved chance to be …….
The loved and very happy dog that we are delighted to see.
Cassie recently told us ” Caleb is our life. We adore and love him and he is our baby. “
Happy Happy Days Caleb (Our Drew) x