
Do you remember Sylvie ? We told you about her back in March …..” She was rescued from the busy mountain road with her sibling Sidney in the autumn of 2018 – they were about 6 weeks old. Sylvie had suffered quite serious facial traumas. Both of her eyes had scars, one eye had a split bottom lid (which was repaired). She (and Sidney) went straight into KAR Quarantine. Now 18 months later and she is still having treatment for her facial injuries. Her facial bone structure has been altered due to the injuries she suffered before she was rescued.
Recently she had severe facial swelling and it was thought that it was due to an infected tooth root. The tooth was removed and she was given antibiotics. However the swelling increased and further veterinary advice was sought. She had a further operation and fragments of bone and tooth were removed from the root canal. However that did not affected the swelling – she has a serious infection in the bone and/or sinus area. She was put on a high dosage of antibiotics – but to no avail.
Yet another operation was carried out very recently – an incision was made from her mouth up into her face so that the infection itself could be drained. She has had to be taken to the animal hospital, in Lefkosa, every 2 days for the drainage hole to be cleared and re packed.”

Sylvie went on to have another operation to remove tooth fragments which had migrated into her face. We were hopeful that her problem was cured and for a while now it seemed that she was healed and was “back to norm”.
However this week the swelling has returned and she is obviously in pain – so she was taken back to the clinic. She is going to need another exploratory operation to open up her face again to try and find what the cause of this latest problem is. That operation will cost us 1500TL and then depending on what they vet/professor finds there is likely to be further costs. Although the clinic is reducing the rate (as we are a Charity) we are still going to be facing (no pun intended !) a big vet bill for Sad Sylvie.
She has been through so much already but she is a young happy dog and she deserves to live her life pain free – we need to help her. Can any of you help us to help her – please ?
If you can donate towards Sylvie’s treatment please visit our website to see how you can do so – from wherever you are.
Thank you and please keep safe during these difficult times.