help and fund raising from the UK

It’sssss Friday …… and even during these very hard times we can still find your KAR FGF !!!!!!!!!

We have many supporters who are really helping out at the minute with cash and food donations and words of support. It is all very much appreciated and needed. We are just coming to the end of 5 weeks of lockdown and no doubt will be starting week 6. We were very recently contacted by one of our long term supporters Marilyn. She, in years gone by, has supported us from the UK and has raised money for us by way of events – one fashion show that organised raised several thousand pounds.
Here is her latest campaign … to help KAR .Marilyn has started the appeal with a donation from her and her husband Steve.

” The attached appeal has just been circulated round our village of Little Brickhill with the approval of the village elders.

As you may or may not know I have been involved with the animal rescue centre Kyrenia Animal Rescue (KAR) of Northern Cyprus (on the Turkish side of the island) since 1997, and for many years I went out there two or three times a year on a voluntary basis to help.
When they started out in 1997 there was no dog groomer in Northern Cyprus so when dogs were brought in with long bedraggled coats, often infested, they were anaesthetised by the local Turkish vet and shaved bare. They looked awful and it was traumatic for them.
In 2001 whilst on a regular visit to the Rescue Centre I was given some dog clippers and asked to trim several dogs of different breeds. I was horrified at the job I did on them, which was barely better than the vet had done. When I returned home, I decided to learn how to be a professional dog groomer so in 2002 I enrolled at the Warwickshire Agricultural College to do the foundation course in dog grooming. In 2003 I took the Advanced course. I was now able to train the volunteers at the Rescue Centre to do a better grooming job, appropriate to the breed and more importantly made the dogs more comfortable through the hot days. Soon after this we also started to find homes for many more dogs.
Due to the current situation we are in crisis! The main source of food for the 200 dogs and 40 cats at the rescue centre normally comes from collecting waste food from hotels, restaurants and local schools which enables the animals to survive, and these have now all closed, and we are having to purchase food at full supermarket prices. Just like in the UK, rice, pasta, tinned meat and fish are in high demand and expensive.
As a result of this our funds are running low and that is why I am appealing for a donation, however small, which would be very much appreciated. The rescue centre is run by a band of ex-pat Brits and local volunteers, of which some are sleeping at the centre due to the isolation constraints imposed by the Government. Our three charity shops, which are our main source of income, are also closed.
Please help if you can and give a donation. Details for donations are below.
Many thanks,
Marilyn Hubbard ”

Kyrenia Animal Rescue Website
Bank Details: HSBC UK: 40-21-02
Account Number 11364812
Ref. Little Brickhill Village

Thank you Marilyn and the Villagers of Little Brickhill Village.
Thank you EVERYONE who is helping us to get through this terrible time.
Keep safe everyone.

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