KAR Pet Travel… stats for 2019

Leaving On A Jet Plane, Come fly With Me, Take Me Home Country Roads, We Gotta Get Out Of This Place, Homeward Bound …. all songs about travel. There are many many more.
All of them could be sung by the owners of the many pets that KAR Pet Travel helped to relocate in 2019.

57 dogs (16 of which were KAR Center dogs) and 23 cats left the TRNC with our help and 33 dogs, 27 cats and 1 rabbit came into the TRNC.

Each and everyone of them had their own individual travel plan based on what the pets needed and the owners needed.

One thing , for all of them, remained the same – the pets had caring, loving owners who only wanted the very best for them – as did we.
To all of our 2019 travelling pets and owners – it was a pleasure to meet you and to be able to help. Here’s wishing many Happy Days ahead for all of you.

Image may contain: dog