Feel Good Friday – Sweet Sadie.

t’ssss Friday YAY and here is a bitter/sweet KAR FGF ……………
We recently received the following email from Jeremy ……………

” I first saw Sadie about November 2018. She would often hang out on the road from Acmenia heading up to what was the Black Olive. There is a builders yard there, where a lot of the workers live and sleep. There generosity helped to keep her alive.

I drive up that hill, past the builders yard every morning at about 06:00 with my dogs to take them for a walk in the hills. She first came to my attention when I was returning home after walking the dogs as she had a little puppy with her. I remember thinking how sweet they looked, just before they launched themselves trying to attack and kill my tyres, tails wagging.

I did not see Sadie for quite some time and wandered what had become off her and her puppy. About two months ago I started to notice a very bedraggled dog clearly in extremely poor condition and struggling. I would try when I saw her to entice her to feed and drink, but to no avail as she was very timid. I contacted K.A.R and asked for help in catching her.

Unfortunately when K.A.R and I tryed to find her, it was a no show.

That same day my wife and I were driving up the hill and saw her staggering in the road. We stopped and she allowed us to pick her up.

We immediately took her to Garfield vets and contacted K.A.R. She was in a extremely poor and stressed condition with long and matted fur. K.A.R generously have helped in paying the vets bills and Garfield Vets have been there normal kind and gentle selves.

Two weeks on she has been diagnosed with a massive growth in her stomach which has now been removed and also been speyed. She of course has other conditions which are on going.

She has now joined our family off dogs and is on a slow road to recovery. On a sad note, I never knew what became of her puppy.

I would like to thank K.A.R and Garfield vet’s for there help and support. ”

Thank you Jeremy for caring about Sadie – we are sure that now she is in a happy, caring loving home her return to good health will improve.
Stay Strong Sadie and be Happy xxx

Image may contain: dog
Image may contain: outdoor
Image may contain: dog