Crumpet and her happy ever after

Crumpets Story
” One day in March I was sitting on my kennel watching the world go by with my other doggy friends. A couple of humans came walking around – not unusual, but I didn’t get excited as I had been at the rescue centre for over 7 years and seen it all before. I was classed as old because I think I am around 10 years old (that what the vet says).
I was surprised the next day when I was taken out of my kennel, given a shower (not keen on water) and a bit of a haircut. Guess what I was being adopted!!!!

I was put in their car and taken to my new home. It was a house – scary.

They seemed a nice couple they spoke to me gently and gave me masses and masses of cuddles. I had a nice comfy place to sleep, which is a dog cage at the bottom of the stairs. I feel safe there and happy to go to sleep because I know nothing going to get me or frighten me.

Some things were new to me. Television. By the way I don’t like Pointless – ‘hiya’ gets on my nerves. I’ve had to get used to seeing myself in mirrors, going for regular walks, meeting the neighbours not just humans but the other neighborhood dogs (nice dog next door called Lilly).

I made my new family smile when I first learnt to jump in the back of the car ( I do like going out for a little jaunt in the car), the next time I wasn’t so successful as the tailgate wasn’t open so I banged my nose – hey everyone has to learn.

I have really settled in now and know that when they have to go out they will always come back. I get so excited when I hear their car into the drive I wag my tail and race around like a 2 year old. They are always pleased to see me as well and if I have been really good I get a treat.

Anyway I’ll finish now as its time for my afternoon nap whilst man is watching cricket and wife in swimming pool.

A word from my family

We were a little unsure about having a dog but Crumpet has not let us down. She is the perfect dog for us. Calm, gentle and happy and no damage to shoes, furniture etc.. We have taken it slowly and she has settled in so well. Every day we learn a little more about each other. So please if you are thinking about adopting a dog, please consider an older dog they can be just as fun as a puppy if not more.

Image may contain: dog
Image may contain: dog
Image may contain: 1 person, dog