Lucky Lucky Luka

Lucky Lucky Luka

Do you remember last year we sent out an appeal to find Luka’s owner – after he had been found wandering on the streets by some visitors last August.

Luka’s picture had been soon on here and he captured the hearts of Issie and Adam. Adam flew over to meet him and Luka was adopted . Issie and Adam are regular visitor here and they wanted to take him home to the UK. However it had already become apparent that Luka was not settling well at our Rescue Center (where he had been since we were unable to find his original owner) and everyone was worried how he would cope during the 4 month time he needed to be prepared for the UK. He was depressed and was also feeling very very anxious being up there – not all dogs can settle into shelter life even for a limited time.

Luckily for KAR one of our most experienced foster carers had space and agreed that Luka could stay with her (and her many cats and dogs) during the preparation process. Luka is a real character and he certainly made his presence felt at the Fosterers home and amongst her other pets !!!

Last week it was time for Luka to fly to the UK. Because of his breed ( snub nosed) it was decided that it would be better for Luka to fly to Brussels and Issie and Adam would collect him there and then continue into the UK. This involves a much shorter travel time and no long cargo transit layover at Istanbul.

Everything went like clockwork for Luka – he and his courier arrived in Brussels half an hour early and after his entry process was completed he was very happily reunited with Adam – introduced to Issie and her parents.

One of the advantages of this option , for pet relocators, is that we can see (without being seen) how airline and airport staff actually handle pet travel. We are all aware now of how caring they are at Ercan Airport but often owners worry about what happens to their pets, and how are they treated, at Istanbul.

During Luka’s transfer onto his Brussels flight I managed to take some photos – he was treated with the utmost care. Even taking him off of the trolley to go onto the travelator was done very carefully. At one point after his box was carefully put onto the travelator to take him into the aircraft – the Istanbul ground crew actually waved him goodbye!

Again at Brussels his transfer through to Animal Collection was seamless and he arrived via his own personal porter.

Without everyone’s involvement  Luka may not have been so lucky.

Lucky lucky Luka  –  lucky is the word that is so very true

To have met so many people who all cared about you

From the visitors who picked you up thinking you were lost

To KAR who cared for you whatever the cost

To the family who offered you a new home in a new place

To the foster home whose cats you did chase

Everyone has played their own part

In helping you on the way to a brand new start.


Long may you be Lucky Lucky Luka.