14 years in our Rescue Centre

Recently newspapers in the UK featured the story of poor Hector Britains Loneliest Dog who has been in a UK rescue center for 500 days.
Well we have an even lonelier dog – Kylie !
Kylie has spent the last 14 years (5110 days) living up at our Rescue Center since she arrived in 2004. We do not know why she has never been homed – she is a friendly dog who loves her food and walks (she is still quite sprightly) – she likes other dogs providing they allow her to be boss and is generally an all around delightful old lady.
Next week is Valentines Day – a day for love and happiness.
What Kylie would really love is for her very own Valentine to come along, sweep her off her feet (not literally) , take her home and let her enjoy her golden years in a warm, loving, happy home.
Where is Kylies Valentine ??? You are out there somewhere and Kylie is waiting for you